Online programming
Individualised strength program
Personalised running program
For over a decade, I've helped athletes get back to peak performance from injuries. In doing so, I have developed individual tailored, sustainable and easy to follow programs for people of all abilities who want to improve their strength, running and sports performance whilst minimising the risks of injury.
Strength program for the individual
Consultation: Movement assessment & Injury screening
Strength guidance & physiotherapist guided plan
Workouts customised for your individual goals
Online management, feedback and communication weekly
Use of true coach app (free to download) with your exercise program, plan, videos and guidance of exercises.
12 week customised strength program to follow

Individualised Run program
Assessment of your running style, considering your injury and/or symptoms
Running program designed for you based on your aerobic capacity, using training peaks.
Running strength program tailored to your goals, based on aerobic capacity and science. Set with paces, and times to follow
Check in on progress with modfications
Weekly communication with Kylie